Docentes de inglés

Este grupo es para todos los maestros o profesores que enseñan inglés como segunda lengua.

Aquí podrán compartir materiales, recursos e información propia de su área.

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    Hey there!!!! No puedo descargar el eBook!!!! Can you help me, please????

  • Eduardo Lina

    Hi there!

    You are probably getting ready for the summer vacation (enjoy it!), but may eventually find time, now or later on,  to check what I have to offer (plain sharing / collaborating).

    Winter here in Israe is just beginning, so  we are just beyond the first part of the school year. I might be adding some more stuff as time goes on. In the meantime, I have uploaded a couple of videos that have to do with teaching English to  Special Needs / Special Education students, but not just for them. They also have to do with using Moodle, which I like very much. You can see that on "My page".



  • Ana Maecelina Ricardo Garcia

      Hi, Im very glad to be here with all those importan professors.I would like to share ideas about teaching Englishthe contents of physical Education  and sport.